Rules and policies are in place to make sure your child remains safe and well at school.
Visit the NSW Department of Education’s policy library for all current operational policies.
Our school uses the department's School Community Charter to ensure all of our communication is collaborative and respectful.
Attendance and absences
Students must attend school regularly so they can achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options.
In NSW, all children from the age of 6 are legally required to attend school or be registered for home schooling through the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). All students must complete Year 10, or its equivalent and remain in school, employment or training until they turn 17.
For more information about compulsory school attendance, visit:
Absences from School
If your child is absent from school, a note of explanation must be sent to the class teacher. (If for some reason your child is late, you can either send a note with your child, or complete a pro forma on arrival at the office.)
Please Note: Our school rolls are checked regularly. This is a requirement of the department. If your child has too many absences or is absent for unacceptable reasons or if a pattern of late arrival to school develops, the matter will be referred to the Home School Liaison Officer. The Home school Liaison Office visits children at school and often families at home to discuss attendance at school.
Late Arrival To/Early Departure from School
Health and Safety Regulations require any parent with students arriving late or leaving early from school to register these details in the ‘Late arrivals/early leavers booklet’ located in the foyer of the school office.
Students must provide the completed slip from the booklet to their class teacher to advise them of the change to normal routine. This also allows the school to monitor children’s whereabouts.
School frameworks (school rules)
As well as following the department’s operational policies, we have developed frameworks for our students in line with our school’s values and commitments.